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My bunny seems to be acting odd...

22 10:27:06

My bunny is normally really energetic but over the last week he would go through "ups and downs" where he was himself and then become depressed. Just this morning he wouldn't eat his favorite treats and his face is all wet. (like maybe he just isn't grooming himself like he normaly does) And now all he is doing is just lieing down, as if he's to tired to play.I'm taking him to the vet later but me and my husband are on a fixed income and I was wondering if this might clear itself up? like how a cold does in humans? Any help would be very appreciated. :(

Colds, or "snuffles" in rabbits is usually a pretty serious thing. Getting them to the vet is a good idea, be sure to ask about payment options as alot of times vets will have them but won't advertise them.  it could also be a blocked tear duct. However it is hard to say for sure not being able to see the rabbit, or familiar with its habits.  You can check out this website, it has some more information on rabbits and health issues.
Good Luck