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Help! Rabbit shedding!

22 10:39:15

My rabbit is shedding lots of hair (above average) and his eyes are really wide. We keep him in our basement and it is not that cold down there, but could it be the lack of light? We try to keep the lights on as much as possible. If it's not that, then what is it? Please help.

Dear Braden,

A rabbit needs a natural cycle of natural light to stay healthy.  This is shedding season, and you need to groom your bunny well every day until the shed is over.  Do this with a fine comb, and by rubbing him with wet hands to get the loose fur off. (Rub your hands together to get the felt off, and repeat until the bunny is clear of loose fur.)

While he's shedding, be sure he gets lots of fresh grass hay and wet greens:

to help any ingested fur pass through uneventfully.  Oral hydration is critical, so be sure he always has a full bowl of clean water.

Hope this helps.
