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how to heel my bunny broken bone

22 9:38:30

HI I have a bunny that's about 10 weeks .. but today he jump and broke the bone of one of his finger the bone is visible  .what can I do to heal him this is my first bunny .. I was trying to take him to the vet but is to much money,please help me heal him :(

Hi Jessica

Unfortunately your only option here is to go to a good exotic bunny vet, it does cost a lot of money but that's all you can do for your bunny. If the bone is visible it's going to be extremely painful and at high risk of getting infected - an infection like that can spread to the whole limb or kill the bunny. The longer the bunny is left without vet care, the more expensive potential vets bills will get!

I would recommend seeing if you can borrow some money from family or if the vets will let you pay in installments, but right now the priority is going to the vet!

Good luck!