Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how to tame a rabbit

how to tame a rabbit

22 11:11:03

How do you tame a rabbit at old age?

Hi Blaise,

you are going to have to provide me more details about your situation before I can help you.

Is this a domestic or wild rabbit?  How old, how long have you had him, how has he been taken care of during his life, are you the only owner, was he abused or neglected, does he have any injuries or health problems, has he been neutered or is he intact?

Also what do you mean by 'taming'?  I am not sure what you are getting at by saying this.  Is he aggressive towards you, or is he having bathroom issues, ...?  You need to be a little more specific because different issues require different solutions.


- Hi Blaise, I'd certainly help you if you are able to write back with some additional info I've described above, I don't want you to think you can't write me back with some more details.  If I can help you out I will, I wasn't trying to brush you off.  Please write back with some more background info if you want.