Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > IMD


22 11:31:36

My dwarf rabbit is about 4yrs and about 2 years ago my vet said she had intestinal movement disorder which I thought we had overcome.  We have since moved.  In the past year her stool has been extremely soft and gets stuck to her bottom.  She has a biweekly bath of just her bottom in the sink and has taken to that finally.  I have a constant supply of timothy hay in her hanger and she is on a pellet food that states crude fiber max 25%.  I give her vegetables, not daily as I do not think they help her.  She loves celery, kale made her urine red and I freaked out and stopped giving her that.  She also has carrots and occasionally strawberries.  I don't know what else I can give her to help her.  we tried the yogurt and that did not help.  I wonder if I should have her back on the strictly hay diet that we did two years ago.  What do you think?

My question would be, what diet did she do best on?  Which one caused her to have the least amount of problems?  That is the diet I would go back to.

Some rabbits can't tolerate veggies well, other buns can't tolerate pellets well.

Most rabbits do not like yogurt.  Some will take BeneBac, some stores sell that, or you can find it online.  It basically has the active ingredient of yogurt, but in a different form.
