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Mini Rex - Disorientated

22 11:10:52

Our 8 month old rex seems disorientated (does not move around much, when she does it is in little bursts and slams into things, when we hold her, she leans her head back).  She has not defecated in 12 hours.

Hi Mike,
 It sounds like your rabbit has what is known as "head tilt", it's  an infection caused by numerous things,but most likely an inner ear infection which came from an outer ear infection. There are other bacterial infections that may have to be tested by a vet to determine what you're dealing with.  Your rabbit has all the symptoms of head tilt.  
 You need to bring your rabbit to the vet,have it looked at and tested..they will give you a long term treatment of medication for her.  This is a serious condition and must be treated, otherwise it will worsen and you could lose your bunny.
 I wish luck Mike,Elizabeth