Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Hi I need your advice. . .

Hi I need your advice. . .

22 10:30:03

Hi. I was putting my show goat back into its pen when I heard this awful screeching sound, my cat was trying to eat a baby rabbit. I'm 16 years old, and going to go to school to be a vet. I refuse to let any animal that has a chance die. I cleaned up its wounds no skin was broke put iodine on it and cant find its mother, I need your advice PLEASE!!

Hi, the best thing to do would be to patch up its wounds and take it to a local veterinarian.  Once you do this you should call the local Animal welfare leugue and get them to take in the rabbit becasue by now there is really no chance on his mother taking him.  If he still seems young then buy kitten milk formula from your local petsmart/petco and feed him through a kitten milk bottle that you could also buy there.  Do this until you put him into the care of a professional.   Thanks, Kiersten.