Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > question about bunny rabbits

question about bunny rabbits

22 9:47:09

why is the rabbit shedding it's fur, acting depressed and biting people?

Dear Rebecca,

Shedding is normal, but abnormal fur loss can be caused by a variety of thing, including mange.  Please read this for complete information:

There are so many reasons a bunny can be depressed and aggressive that it would be impossible to list them all here.  A lot depends on how the bunny is being treated (is he being handled too much, and against his will?) by the people around him. Rabbits must be treated with care and respect, and they will be gentle.

If the bunny is female and not spayed, she may be having false pregnancies which will make her moody and aggressive.  Please read:

And also read:

For help with helping her learn not to be aggressive, please start here:

I hope this helps.
