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food/milk for orphans rabbit

22 10:04:35


how can I get milk for orphans rabbit?
I live in Indonesia. it is not available here in my place.
How can I get it? where?
please tell me? my first orphans rabbit all (4) die , yesterday is 2 and today 2 again. omg.
its been almost one week, about 5 days. they born on 14th dec'09.
please help me? I'm afraid my rabbit will have another pregnancy again. She was angry when I put her child to get milk from her.
thank you for read me.
br, paty

Hi Patrisia. If you can not find milk replacer and you can not find another doe with a litter that you can put the babies in with, I suggest that you get some evaporated milk from the grocery store. You might have to thin it down with a little water for the first couple of days so the bunnies can adjust to it. Try one tablespoon of milk and one teaspoon of water for the first couple of days, after that give them straight evaporated milk. You will need an eye dropper to drop the milk onto their lips as they will be too small even for the smallest bottle. Feed them often to keep their bellies fat and full, about every four hours for the first couple of days and then maybe every six hours after that. Be careful that  the milk does not go into their noses. I hope this helps and good luck to you.  Pat                                                                                               Hi again Patrisia. I did not think to ask you if you can get puppy and kitten milk replacer from a vet. If you can one of those will work and be more complete that the evaporated milk. I just assumed that you meant that you could not get any replacers. I am not sure if a milk replacer, made just for rabbits, even exists. Try your local vet and see about one for kittens or puppies.  Pat