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Rabbit urinating in food dish

22 9:48:11

We have a 18 month male rabbit, that has started urinating in his food dish the past five weeks. Tried using a different dish, no luck. Tried feeding different times, no luck. Tried feeding away from other pets (2 dogs, 2 cats), no luck. Tried different bedding material, no luck. Since he is the only animal in his cage and we don't have anything close to a rabbit, it doesn't make sense. He does occasionally try humping our 15 year old female dog and rides her from one end of the house to the other, until the dog goes outside.

Dear Robert,

Your bunny may be marking his food bowl as his personal possession (which seems a bit counterproductive unless he likes pee-flavored food).  Neutering might help stop this behavior:

and it will certainly give your poor dog a rest.  Have you tried moving his bowl to a different location?  Scent marking is usually positional, more than object-oriented.

Hope this helps.
