Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit is moody and shedding hair not eating like she used to. We have only her

Rabbit is moody and shedding hair not eating like she used to. We have only her

22 11:31:36

Our rabbit is acting moody and shedding hair, and wouldn't even eat her apple peels.  She is real picky with her food and sleeping more then she used to.  Would this happen if she is in heat.  She doesn't want you to brush her coat near her lower back side.  Thank you

Dear Marilyn,

She might act this way if she's having a false pregnancy, but this would not affect her appetite. Whenever a rabbit refuses a favorite treat, it's time to be concerned.  Please read this immediately:

and if you don't already have a good rabbit vet, you can find one via the list linked here:

Please do take any slight mood changes she shows seriously.  It might be nothing, but sometimes the faintest change in behavior can signal a serious problem.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
