Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > cuterebra


22 10:18:35

i have a kitten that I think had this parasite and it has exeted the top of the kittens we need to find the thing that came out so that we do not have this issue again....i think the kitten is going to be ok but this was very strange for us and i did get some pics of it....

Dear Heather,

If this was a botfly larva, then once it' comes out, it's gone and you probably don't have to worry about it.  It has gone to pupate and develop into an adult.  Unless you can find the pupa to destroy it, there's not much you can do.  If you think it's in the house, then you might see an adult fly.  But if it's the only one, it will either be male (no threat of eggs) or an unmated female (who won't lay fertile eggs), so it shouldn't be a danger.

I would get the kitten to a good vet who can check the cyst to be sure there's no infection.  But he should be fine.  (ick!  botfly!)

Hope this helps.
