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Rabbit question

22 9:38:57

I have a female lop cross rabbit approx 8 months old, has a really yellow almost creamy colour wee.
She isn't desexed yet.
Should I be worried. ?

Hi Gabby

Rabbit peepee can vary in colour and texture. I would be worried if it's looking thick, sludgy or leaving a lot of white residue though. Rabbits deal with calcium in their diet by excreting it through their wee, if they have too much calcium in their diet this can result in kidney and bladder stones. If it still looks like normal wee but just a different colour and is leaving small amounts of calcium behind, then that's normal. But if it looks as though the rabbit is straining, or it looks gunky, vet time!

Have a read of this about urinary tract disorders:

Hope I helped!
