Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my bunny will not eat his hay

my bunny will not eat his hay

22 10:40:41

I have a three year old male bunny, he seems to be quite healthy and active to us, but no matter what we do, he won't eat hay. We know that hay is the major source of food for a bunny and we are somewhat concerned. We have been trying to solve this problem for a long time and can not find a solution no matter what we do or who we ask. For the moment, he is only eating pellets, he won't even eat veggies. He's been like this since we got him and there seems to be not much of a problem, but we are worried it may shorten his life or something like that. Your answer would be very much appreciated. Thanx for your time.

Dear Ina So,

Picky eating habits are very often a sign of dental pain such as molar spurs.  Please read:

Also note that if he has unlimited pellets available, he won't eat his hay.  So limit the pellets to no more than 1/2 cup a day, which is plenty, even without hay.

Be sure the hay is fresh and tasty. You might consider getting some "Timmy Gold" from American Pet Diner, which is really nice second-cut timothy that is irresistible to most rabbits.  Check them out at

and you can also get excellent quality hay from Oxbow Hay Company at

I hope this helps.
