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doe vaginal hemorrhage?

22 11:08:15

I have a blue dutch doe that I started breeding again after waiting 2 years(I moved a few times and couldn't breed until now) She is 3 years old and had one very successful litter of 6 kits which all lived when she was a little over a year old.  I bred her to the same buck (which is also the same buck she was successful with before) 3 times in 24 hours. They were both very receptive.  She made a nest about 7 days early so I figured things were moving along.  Yesterday (which was 33 days) she started pulling fur like crazy and putting in the nest box so I figured this was it.  I left for about an hour thinking she needed privacy.  When I came back she was in the nest box on her side pushing.  The baby was stuck.  I know they give birth quickly so she must have been pushing for awhile. A nose and mouth were out and I could see right away that it was a very large baby and was probably already dead because it's tongue was sticking out.  I gently pushed on the outside of her vagina toward the top of the baby's head a few times and the baby finally came out--I felt bad I had left her alone.  She was a good mom and tried to revive the baby but nothing happened.  She had no more babies to deliver.  This kit was about 5 inches long and already had some hair.  Because of the difficult birth I held her last night and checked her vagina.  On both sides, right above her vents going toward her vagina there appears to be a blood sack right under the skin about 1/2 inch to an inch long.  I checked it again today and they seemed to have gone down a little.  I almost think it's broken blood vessels from pushing so hard and long but I wanted to know if you've ever seen this before.  Another question is that I know that this is the ideal time to breed her again fertility wise, however I'm concerned this area won't be healed by the time she gives birth again and also that the mating might hurt her.  Any advice or experience would be helpful.  I feel like I'm running out of times to get this rabbitry started back up again.  I had to give all my rabbits away when I moved and kept my original 2 does and one buck.  I haven't bred the other doe yet but she is the same age.  Sorry for the long story!  

Difficult births will lead to very soar genitalia. Generally it heals on its own. Keep an eye on it. You did say it looked like it had gone down. As long as is keeps going down, it is highly likely to be okay. If it gets worse or does not improve, she will need to see a vet. There may be an infection.

As far as breeding goes, while it is the best time for fertility, you are right in thinking about waiting. Wait until she is healed before breeding again. With an older doe, especially, it is important to make sure she is in top condition before breeding.