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wax in her ears

22 10:30:51

my bunny is about 9 years old. she has had an excellent life and is even allowed in the garden. recently she has been falling over on one side. she has to drag herself with her front paws till she gets up. I noticed she has a lot of grey wax in one of her ears. Is this ear mites could this throw off her balance?

Dear Sean,

It could be ear mites, ear infection, or a parasite known as E. cuniculi.  But any of these requires the immediate attention of and treatment by a good rabbit vet, whom you can find here:

Since the condition you describe can often develop into torticollis (head tilt), though not always, I would strongly suggest you read:

as well as:

I think these will help you know what to ask the vet, and what to expect as far as treatment options are concerned.

I hope this helps.
