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When will she have her babies??

22 10:34:52


My male rabbit escaped and was with my female rabiit over night. We assumed that she was pregnant, and she has a large round tummy and slightly raised nipples, thats what made us certain. Also she sometimes gets a little stroppy and tries to bite if you pick her up. Other than that she is really friendly.  It's been 32days now since they were together and she hasnt made a nest or had babies. I was 99% sure that she was pregnant but i'm worried she isn't or sumtihngs happend. I don't no anything about rabbit breeding so please help!

How can i tell if she is pregnant and when will she have her babies if she is? Please email back as ssooon as possible.

Thank you so much

Hi there

If she doesn't have her babies by day 34 then she isn't pregnant.  They usually wont make a nest until right before they give birth, however they will occasionally run around with fur in their mouths.

If she stops eating, drinking, or making fecal pellets you are going to need to get her to a vet.  If the buck was larger than her she could very easily have a stuck kit or a difficult labor.  Often times they will need a little pitocin when this happens to help with the delivery.

Some web-sites will instruct you how to palpate for pregnancy but it is very dangerous for both the doe and kits.  I can't recommend that you even try it.  If you think she is pregnant and is having a difficult pregnancy the best thing to do is to get her to a rabbit savvy vet for an exam.

Good luck and I hope your little girl is okay.
