Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > friskie


22 11:12:33

Our oldest son left for college (he was daddy to our rabbit). Since he has left she has wanted to be out in the house with us all the time. (Before he left she was content to have her cage door open and spent most of her time there.) At first I thought her behavior was due to the "loss" of "daddy". But now she has taken to hupmping our feet and the other day she even tried to chew my toe nails. Could she be in heat?

Dear Brenda,

No, she's not in heat.  But if she's not spayed, she needs to be.

The poor bunny is missing her "daddy," and is acting out by trying to re-establish a dominance hierarchy in her life.  If she is spayed, then this is likely her way of telling you she's the Top Bun, but that she loves you.

If she's not spayed, then it's high time.  Unspayed/unbred females have a very high risk of uterine cancer.  Once that's done, I would recommend you set up a "blind date" with the local neutered "bachelor bunnies" at your local rescuer's foster home.  Your bunny is missing your son terribly, and this is a very major source of stress for her.  A bunny companion, carefully selected (by her) and bonded (with help from the fosterer and you) could be just what the doctor ordered!  :)

Hope this helps.
