Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My two rabbits may be hurt!!!!!!!!!

My two rabbits may be hurt!!!!!!!!!

22 10:31:00

Dear Mr. Meyer,
I come to you with dear plead in help! I was out in the garage with my best friend and we had my rabbits out. We separated them into different parts in our garage. We began watching them very closely and we were enjoying their company. But my girl saw the boy and the boy saw the girl. It didnt appear to me that they hated each other but we soon found out. My girl leaped onto the boy and attacked him and was biting him in the back and scratching him up. The boy was very afraid and he tried to fight back but we found him running from her instead. We put them back in their cages and we were very worried. The girl has a fever and the boys foot is hurt. Not bleeding but sprained I think. The boy earlier tried to breed and I am worried very much.We found ourselves coming to you and we hope you can help us as soon as possible. Mr. Meyer I think I may have just made the worst mistake of my life!
I am aware of this. Please help me! My dad knows nothing of this!!!! Lets keep it that way!
                                     Rabbit Dellima Girl

Hi Amanda,

you should tell your dad what happened.  It is not being responsible for your pets if you don't.  I know you don't want to, but you have a responsibility to your pet.  Your dad may think what you did was dumb (and it probably was) but you will have acted like an adult rather than a kid trying to cover up something.

You need to tell him because you should have the rabbits looked at by the vet.  Anytime a fight occurs it's always good to have them given a good once-over by a vet to make sure there isn't something serious.  You guys are worried about it right now.  Your rabbits are picking up on the stress you guys are giving off and it's stressing them out too.

PLease tell your dad what happened, be honest, adn take them to the vet.  Otherwise your dad is not going to trust you to do the right, adult thing, and you don't want to hide a little mistake at the expense of the health of your rabbits.

Hope you do the right thing and get your rabbits checked out by a good rabbit vet.
