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rabbit bedding and litterbox

22 11:13:21

I am currently training our mini rex that is 3 months old. In her litterbox I put carefresh and a little bit of Timothy hay and she is using the ltterbox, my question is concerning bedding if I use the same carefresh bedding in her nesting box will this confuse her or if I use a different bedding of the same sort will this confuse her also. I'm trying to figure out the best bedding for her without confusing her between litterbox and nesting area. Thanks Steve

Hi Steve,

I would not use the same bedding in both the litterpan and the rest of her house.  She may believe she can go in other places outside the pan.

As you have a mini-rex with very short fur on her hocks and forelegs, she is more at risk of developing hock sores.

I would suggest using soft cotton towels spread over the cage floor.  Another good choice is a washable synthetic or natural wool sheet across the cage floor.  There is also synthetic medical bedding that is extremely soft and sizeable (you can cut it to dimensions you need) from Roller Fabrics under the brand of Palace Pet Products (1-414-355-9876).  You can also cut the wool sheets to size as well and they are available just about anywhere.  Just do not get any wool sheets with a rubber backing, get them without the backing.  You don't want rabbits to eat this if they flip a corner over (and they will).

Our guys will still drop pellets and sometimes mark, but they don't treat it like a bathroom because they really enjoy how soft and nice it is,and they don't want to mess up the area where they rest.

I'd get several so that you can swap out the used one every large cage cleaning with a clean one.
