Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > unusual grunting

unusual grunting

22 10:40:00

We have a five year old rabbit who yesterday started making strange noises while eating/chewing. Also, this can be heard while she is grooming under her chin. It's hard to describe, but sounds like oinking, grunting or pidgeons cooing. Her appetite and other behavior are normal and she has no obvious signs of illness.  Since this sound is new and quite noticeable, we are concerned.  Thank you for your input.

Some rabbits are definitely very vocal. My lop Peanut would make noises like the one you're describing. I don't know why, but it was certainly amusing to listen to.

I would say you should only be concerned if the noises are accompanied by labored breathing/nasal discharge or if you start hearing what sounds like a child grinding their teeth (which would indicate pain or discomfort, possibly a tooth issue)

Otherwise, you'll just get used to the sounds of a fuzzy piglet :-)