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A new bunny

22 10:48:48

I have an 8 month old un neutered male and we are planning on getting a female for him as a companion. We know we are going to have to get one fixed but are unsure of who to get fixed. I've heard if an un neutered male mounts a female she will bite his genitals.. What is your opinion on who to get fixed?

ANSWER: Nikki,

I would recommend getting both neutered and spayed respectively. While neutering or spaying only one will prevent pregnancy, it will not reduce aggression in the unaltered rabbit.

Rabbits are territorial by nature. For that reason, even altered rabbits cannot always be bonded it 100% of all cases. Having one altered and another not altered will lower the odds of the bonding being successful.

Here is a website with bonding information:

That website actually has a lot of good health and care information about rabbits.

Good luck with the bonding and feel free to ask any additional questions!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for input on my first question!
I do have additional question.
Our 8 month old boy is about 6 pounds and we recently saw a 2 month old baby rabbit that we really like. Do you think our rabbit would harm a smaller rabbit if we put them in the same cage after we got ours neutered? Are bigger rabbits bullies to babies?


Actually from what I have been told...if one is the aggressor it is usually the smaller rabbit. :)

At the same time there is always a risk of harm when bonding. There is never a guarantee that the rabbis will get along. You may also find yourself in a case where everything seems fine and suddenly there is an accident. This is one of the reasons bonding is controversial.