Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > found 5 week old bunnie

found 5 week old bunnie

22 11:20:31

I found a 5 week old baby bunnie. It looks like a lop eared. When I hold him he seems to be fine but as soon as I put him down he starts to shake really bad and looks like he is having seizures. When he starts to shake he leans to one side. His breathing is also a little funny, it sound as if he has a really bad runny nose. He is eating carrots and drinking water fine. Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Dear April,
If this is a domestic rabbit (he's not brown, and does not have a white star on his forehead), then please read:

If he's really about 5 weeks old, then he needs the attention of a good rabbit vet:

For a possible head tilt or upper respiratory infection:

I can't see him, so can't diagnose anything, of course.  That's why you need to get him to the vet.

If this is a *wild* baby rabbit, please read:

for full instructions on what to do.

Hope this helps.
