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Rabbit ringworm

22 9:52:40

Hi Dana,

Few days ago, I asked about a question regarding my Netherland dwarf pulling out a chunk of fur from her thigh. The skin looked normal at first, but developed some redness few days later. I took her to the vet, and after several examinations, she doesn't seem to have flea/ticks/mites. Now the redness faded away, but the bald area is getting darker. This color is similar to her coat color (dark grey), but it doesn't look like normal fur growth, as the her hair root looks more whitish. The vet suspected ringworm, but the culture will take more than 2 weeks. Meanwhile I don't know what I can do. I disinfected her cages and exercise pen using diluted bleach, since ringworm is contagious. There are things that are impossible to be disinfected such as carpet. Since I'm living in a studio, there aren't many places for my bunny to run, and I'm afraid the leftover chemical on the carpet will harm her. I hope the culture result will come out negative. Are there anything that I can do while waiting for the result? I really appreciate your advice.

Thank you very much!

Dear Milly,

The darkening of the skin is consistent with new hair growing in.  I suspect by now you're seeing a bit of fuzz, and soon the patch will be all filled in.  If not, please see:

I hope this helps.
