Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit with a 2 fused vertebrae; arthritis in surrounding area

Rabbit with a 2 fused vertebrae; arthritis in surrounding area

22 9:46:21

QUESTION: Ok I have done little googling on this as I doubt I will find out any information.  After a six weeks of health issues; blood work (showed slight raise in glucose); followed up with X-rays today and another dental trim (done while bunny was alert, because of the health issues.  The X-rays gave the most information my rabbit has two badly fused spine bones (either at the same level as the front legs or just in front of them, will have ongoing teeth issues, artheritis also showing where the fused bones are (it is in clear if this is an old injury that was undetected or a congenital problem, the vet has given metacam for this; I  am just wondering what real quality of life I would be giving him to keep him alive on drugs if he is in pain?  I know I have just been given the meds and don't know how well they work or not.  Is there any articles or places where I can research this to try to get the best information to make the best decision for my baby (rabbit)?


You don't mention how your bunny is behaving.  Is he able to walk?  Is he showing signs of pain?

If he's eating and moving around, he may be quite happy, despite the skeletal problems.  Only you can tell, since you know him best.

Metacam and tramadol together can often provide very good pain relief.  Ask the vet to give that a try.  If you're not sure your vet is experienced with rabbits, check the referral listings here:

Then look at your bunny and ask yourself:  If I were in his position, would I want to die?  If not, stick with him for as long as he seems he's wanting to deal with the pain.  Death is a very final solution, and there could be good quality days ahead of him with proper medication, palliative care, and love.

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So sorry for the missed info; I even forgot to say he is 7 years old; today is the first time I have seen him come close to acting like himself; so I think the metacam worked fast, thanks for the information though on being him if I would think it was time to die, that will help.  As for his behaviors; he had been laying around for 6 weeks as we (his vet and I dug for clues and did test); other than his peeing everything was off; at times he was seeming to be confused, I would put him down he would turn around immediately saying hold me play time is over; his eating had been a hit and miss he had a bad reaction to a dental procedure at the end of march 2012; by Easter I really thought he was going to die; after throwing the book of laxatives (both prescribed and over the counter) and a gas reliever and  basic pineapple juice, he never did get back to what he was before the surgery... Then finally after 6 days of the laxitve he finally showed improvement but then went the opposite way; so for the past 6 weeks we have been treating him for the possible reasons for that.  All the will he had seemed kind of like himself but still off, but the symptoms of confusion, eating then not eating, playing then just laying around, and when he would lay down it was the head resting on the floor kind of depressed, sad, totally exhausted expression, odd shedding pattern, so I am greatful that he is acting like a bunny again, and thinking this will probably work, but will try to make things easier for him (by modifying his litter boxes, and some other things like that so he isn't agrivating the injured are.  Are ther any articles on fused vertibrae in rabbits?  I think part of my problem is I have not read about this so it may seem worse in my mind than what it really is!  But as for needing another med added I will wait, since he has improved on the drug, which also makes me feel better. So his symptoms and behavior was all over the place, and other complications made it really hard to diagnose.  I still have to do some reading on this issue, and hope that the weekend I will be able too.

Dear CJ,

You might ask the vet about treating for Encephalitozoon cuniculi, which can cause neurological problems as well as renal damage.  If your bunny is showing signs of dementia at this young age, this could be a contributing factor.  The parasite can also cause hind limb paresis, so if he's having trouble walking with his back end, it could be more than just fused vertebrae.

Panacur (fenbendazole) and/or ponazuril can be used to treat E. cuniculi.

Hope this helps.
