Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Large Bumps on Bunnys Ears

Large Bumps on Bunnys Ears

22 10:09:38

QUESTION: I have noticed recently that my Bunny has a couple lumps on his ears.  They are growing larger now and I have noticed another one recently.  These lumps are not on the edges, two of them are light pink and one is dark brown.  They don't seem to be painful or itchy, there is no bad scent in my bunny's ears, I'm not sure what it is?

I live in a very rural area and there are no vets that deal with bunnies that I can see, so I am wondering if there is something I can buy from the pet store that can help.

ANSWER: Hello Elaine!
Well I don`t think I could help you with out looking at your rabbit I would strongly suggest you take it to a vet for a closer look it may just be scratches that scab up ... It also could be ear mites  I don`t want to scare you or lead you the wrong way in case it is  so a vet will be the one to trust on this one.
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Now that I have taken a closer look at his ears, they definitely looks like mites because I can see small bumps and larger ones, so they're not just scratches.  Unfortunately there are no vets I can go to where I live that will see my rabit.  I'm wondering if you know of any products that I can buy at a pet store?


Hello Elaine!
I really do not want to give you the wrong advise so if indeed it is ear mites you can use olive oil  about 1 tablespoon in each ear  once a day for about a week  this will kill all the mites and they will fall out.
Now you will have to totally clean out the hutch your rabbit is in because the mites will still be there and can reinfest the rabbit again.
it is really important you keep the cage very clean.
Good luck.