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Bleeding from bottom

22 9:39:11

Hi there, I just picked up my rabbit and noticed he had blood around his bottom. He seems completely normal hopping and running around but this is very concerning. Please advise. Thank you.

Dear Sarah,

Are you 100% sure your bunny is male?  A very common reason for bleeding from the vent in female rabbits is uterine adenocarcinoma (cancer), and this must be addressed quickly by having her spayed.

If you are absolutely sure this bunny is male, then other possibilities include:
- urinary tract problem (stone, sludge, infection) causing blood in the urine
- anal polyp that has hemorrhaged and is bleeding
- other intestinal problem
- injury around the vent

In any case, bleeding is not normal, and I would recommend that you get bun to a good rabbit vet ASAP for in-person examination and diagnosis.  The sooner this is done, the better.

I hope all will be well.

