Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > centipedes


22 11:19:33

would a centipede try to eat a human? or part of a human. i found 4 days ago i have a small scab on my foot. and today i found a centipede or millipede in my  room. also could it have layed eggs?

Dear Tony,

Well, this isn't really a rabbit question, but I'll have a go.

Centipedes, although they are predatory, are generally not seeking human prey.  You're a little too big to dismantle and swallow.  :)

Centipedes will sometimes bite if they are handled, or if you accidentally put your foot on one in your sleep (if the centipede happened to crawl into your bed), but they generally are not aggressive, and will run away from you, given the choice.

Millipedes, by contrast, are vegetarian and harmless. They feed on dead leaves, and the worst they'll do is exude a stinky or burning substance when you handle them.

Centipedes and millipedes both require rather moist areas (such as under a rock) to lay their eggs, so it's not very likely you'll have that problem.

Hope this helps.
