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feces- clusters

22 10:57:28

i have a 1 month old holland lop and sometimes his poop comes out in like clusters of grapes and they stick to his fur. will these clusterd turn to regular round balls like my 6 month olds? he also has urine stains on his fur what can i use to get that off the fur? thank you millie

Dear Millie,

The clusters you describe are probably normal cecotropes, which you can read about here:

Urine stains will not come out of fur once they're there, but the good news is that the new fur will be nice and clean once he sheds out.  

Note that a one month old baby rabbit is too young to be weaned, and should not have been taken from his mother.  The article above has the warning signs you need to watch for, and at the slightest sign of runny stool, he needs to get to a good rabbit vet for supportive, lifesaving care:

I hope this helps.
