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He still doesnt trust me

22 10:30:50

i cant get my rabbit to understand i'm not a threat... i tried doing the whole lying on my stomach thing waiting for him to come to me and stuff...i've tried for a week but still i don't understand why?

Dear Brenda,

Some rabbits have a naturally shy personality, and take a very long time to become trusting.  Some never become cuddly and trusting, but always remain "standoffish".  I would give him more time, though.  It can sometimes take several weeks for him to warm up.

If that fails, and he turns out to be a shy bunny by nature, then I'd suggest that after he's neutered you contact your local rabbit rescuer:

and set up some "blind dates" for him to meet an outgoing girl who can be his companion.  Many shy bunnies learn from an outgoing, friendly companion to be more friendly themselves.  It will take time, but it's worth it in the end.

I hope this helps.
