Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Malting Female

Malting Female

22 11:07:49

I have a female rabbit that at the moment is pulling all her fur off just above her hind legs and putting it in her house with fresh cut grass that she collects.  My male rabbit is also malting but not pulling out his fur.  Is this normal behavior or could there but something irritating her under her skin?  

Dear Lauren,

If the bunny is not spayed and if she has been with an unneutered male, she is probably pregnant and building a nest.  Rabbits line the nest with their own fur, which they pull from their flanks, legs, and dewlap.

If the male is neutered, then she could be having a false pregnancy, and this will recur until she's spayed.  I would *strongly* urge you to have her spayed, as unspayed/unbred female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer.  Please read:


Hope this helps.
