Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > fertility in humans affected by having rabbits as pets?

fertility in humans affected by having rabbits as pets?

22 9:44:03

Hello Pam, I have two lovely pet rabbits and have had them for the last two years. The other day I casualy mentioned my pet rabbits and a cardiologist happened to be there. He said that a woman in reproductive age should not live with rabbits as it lowers chances of getting pregnant. have you heard of any thing like this? I am looking to get pregnant this year.


I think the doctor must have been joking.  This is the first time I have ever heard this but I spent the morning researching it and can not find anything reason that this would be true.  I would not worry about what he said as there is no verifiable proof that it is true.  

Good luck
