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My 2 rabbits are fighting.

22 9:59:07

Hi Dana,

I have two neutered dwarf lop rabbits. One female and one male.

We had the male for 2 1/2 years (and neutered) before we introduced the baby female to him. They bonded really well immediately. After a month they had a couple of fights. We had the female neutered and then re-introduced them. All has been fine for the last year.

4 Weeks ago we moved house to the countryside and we have bought them a brand new hutch and run combo. All was well for the first 3 weeks, and then there was a fight when they were in their outside run. This ended with the male having a large amount of his skin torn and nearly had his penis bitten through. We rushed him to the vets and a small fortune and a day later we got him home.

We kept him in the house for a few days and then introduced them to each other whilst being supervised. They tried to have a fight again so were separated with a cage within the hutch. We have slowly introduced them whilst supervised since and got to finally leaving them alone whilst we were sat in the house (doors open so we can here them). All was fine all day until later and they were tearing fur out of each other again.

I really want them to get on and love them both to bits. But because we live in the countryside I spent $1200 on a custombuilt hutch and run so that nothing could get to them. I don't really want to spend that money again, but I don't want to let one go either.

Please help,

Best Regards,


Dear Robert,

My condolences on this hard situation.  :(

I hope you can find some help with the excellent articles here:

There's even one on mending a broken bond.  I hope it will be helpful!
