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Problem With Re-bonding My Rabbits

22 9:40:01

Hello Dr. Krempels,

I recently and for a little while, have dealt with problems concerning re-bonding my rabbits. Currently, I have 4 rabbits that were once already bonded (for a little over a year)... but two were just spayed about two months ago, and this caused me to separate the two from each other and the rest of its family.

When they healed, it took me about one week to bond one of the newly spayed rabbit to the others again, because they did rejected her at first. This was much faster because the three have been a bonded trio for most of their lives when I adopted them as kits/young buns.

I still have another one left that is almost impossible for me to bond. When I just adopted this one, it took me about 3-4 months to get the other three to accept her. Once they did, I was relieved. However, due to her separation for spaying and healing, I find myself once again at this difficult situation. I've been trying to bond her twice a day , every day now for a little past a month and I see NO improvement.  I am at a loss and am frustrated because this rabbit has been living on its own due to the fact that I can't get any progress on bonding. I feel sad for her that she can't be with her bunny family Do you have any suggestions?

My current method is putting them together at a neutral area - but after many times, they're still fighting.

Thank you,

Dear Jacqueline,

Sometimes a neutral territory is not enough, and once they start fighting it's often hard for them to forgive and start over.  In this case, try a LOOOONG car ride with them all together in one spot, with you (or someone you trust) in back with the bunnies while another person drives.  

Ideally, drive to a neutral place where you can stay overnight and monitor the bunnies so they don't fight.  DO NOT let them fight.  At the first sign of trouble, separate and let them have "time out" before you try again.  Once they fight, they tend not to forget!

You can find additional tips here:

I hope it works.  But if not, then perhaps let the little loner choose a mate of her own, so she can live in peace and happiness separately from the others.

Hope this helps.
