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bunny sick?

22 10:18:27

I found a bump on my bunny's ankle, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the way she walks. There's also no change in how she acts or eats. The bump is red but it doesn't seem to be getting bigger or smaller. Can you please tell me what it is and how to get it treated? Thanks!

Dear Melody,

A bump on the ankle could be something as benign as a little fibroma, or as worrisome as an abscess or a tumor.  The location is not good.  If the bump moves freely with the skin, the prognosis is better, but I would still have it examined by a good rabbit vet because there is so little tissue on the ankle that an abscess or tumor could easily spread to the bone from there--and that would be extremely serious.

If the bump is *not* moving with the skin, and is firmly attached to the underlying muscle or bone, I would have a good rabbit vet examine it ASAP.  You don't say how long it's been there, but it would still be wise to have it checked, simply because its location is so problematic.  If it's an abscess or tumor, you don't want to let it get to the stage that would necessitate amputation--and that does happen sometimes.  Get it now, while it's not causing her any unusual problems.

So bottom line:  I'd get her to an experienced rabbit vet to have a look and be sure it's nothing to worry about.   You can find a good vet here:

I hope this helps.
