Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Gasping for breath/maybe dying

Gasping for breath/maybe dying

22 9:45:35

I don't know what's wrong with this young wild rabbit who has been living in our yard. Yesterday it seemed fine when I watched it eat vegetation, then it moved a few feet to eat something else and seemed not fine. It lay over on its side. Since then it has been gasping for breath, often laying out in the open. Local vets don't know what to do, local animal rescue has not called back. I thought it was dying or going to die and it still looks like that. I see no obvious signs of injury or illness. It's eyes look pretty glazed and it is not moving around much. I also don't know if it is a danger to my outdoor cats (fenced in) or me. It's almost like an asthmatic cat or one about to throw up, sticking its head forward repeatedly.

Dear Karen,

It sounds as if this poor bunny is seriously ill, and possibly dying.  If the rabbit is still alive, you might be able to get help from a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, whom you can find here:

The person may be able to treat the rabbit, or at least provide humane euthanasia so s/he does not suffer.

I hope all goes well.
