Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny has a cold?

My bunny has a cold?

22 9:44:40

Hi there. my rabbit is an out door rabbit and he also has a sister and we live in Flagstaff which can become very cold. Recently, he's been opening his mouth as if gasping for air and his nose has mucus on it. we brought him inside and have been giving him pedialite along with a natural antibiotic. we have him in a pet carrier currently and a humidifier next to it. he's been eating food and drink, but he still has the breathing issue and the clogged up nose. please tell me how I can help him, if there's anything I can do at home, or just what I should do and hat you think it may be.
thank you,

Dear Elizabeth,

This sounds like an emergency, and you need to get your bun to a rabbit-savvy vet ASAP.  Mouth breathing is a signs of severe respiratory distress, and your bunny may have pneumonia.

To clear his nasal passages, use a pediatric ear syringe and gently suction the mucus out of his nostrils.  The vet may do a nasal flush with sterile saline to get more mucus out, and even prescribe nebulization and/or oxygen to help bun out until antibiotics can take over and get rid of the infection.

Rabbits do not get colds as humans do.  This is most likely a bacterial infection that will need a vet to prescribe an appropriate, rabbit-safe antibiotic NOW.  You can find a vet here:

Please also read:

I hope your bunny will be fine, but he really needs to get to a good rabbit vet NOW.
