Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit is screaming

my rabbit is screaming

22 10:30:08

hi i own a rabbit and hes screaming as if hes in pain.
and i want to know what is wrong with it and what i can do about it.
i have other questions.
is he really in pain?
is it life threatening?
is this my fault?
its night now so i cant get to a vet.
he is also limp (i think) hes not moving or eating and we have to use a seringe to make him drink.
i fear for him and if he will live.
plz help asap

ps he was ok this morning.  

Hi Tom,

he is in some kind of pain.  I don't know if it's your fault, you don't mention any details as to what went on before this.

You need to get to a vet immediately, or an emergency vet if it's off-hours.  Make sure you make his carrier soft, put some soft cotton towels in there he can rest on.

Anytime rabbits scream it's because they are either hurt bad enough to do it, or because they are extremely scared of something.  There is a chance that if he had a stroke or something there was pain, or it's affecting how he is perceiving things.
