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Salt Block

22 11:21:20

I just returned from the vetrenarian with my baby Netherland dwarf, Gilbert.  He had diarrhea today and wasn't eating, drinking, or moving around.  He was pretty lethargic.  Seeing these symptoms were an emergency, I took him to the vet this afternoon.  I was told he has an imbalance in his digestive tract.  After a shot of pain reliever, a shot of saline, and being force fed some food and antibiotic, we were on our way.  I'm back at home now with him in his cage.  He's acting quite normally actually, drinking water and moving around (much better than sitting in the corner with his eyes closed this morning), although he's taken quite a liking to the salt block.

My question is, can he lick his salt block under these circumstances?  I was told he was dehydrated and common sense tells me that salt is the last thing you need when you're dehydrated.  Should I remove the block till he's well again?  

Dear Celine,

The salt block won't hurt him, and in fact might help him retain the fluids he drinks.  The important thing to do for a baby rabbit with runny stool is to keep him well hydrated, as your vet did (you were very smart to get him to the vet immediately upon seeing diarrhea!).  Please see:

for more information on runny stool in baby (and adult) rabbits, as well as:

for some treatment options, should the condition not resolve immediately.

Good luck!
