Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Cabbage


22 10:31:53

I know cabbage may be gassy but my rabbits love it. So far they don't seem to have a problem with 3 or 4 leaves at a time daily. Can I assume they will get used to eating more if I increase gradually? I get cabbage trimmings free so I give them to the rabbits.

Dear Tom,

Some rabbits can handle cabbage without any trouble at all.  It seems that the outer leaves are less problematic than the inside, white parts, so if you give the outer, green leaves it may be fine.

Just keep an eye on them for any sign of gassiness, and don't overdo.  I'm not sure I'd increase the quantity (it's better to provide a *variety* of greens, instead of a lot of just one thing), but you can try and then back off if you see any problems.

Good luck!
