Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit urine cause blindness in children

Rabbit urine cause blindness in children

22 9:57:10

I heard that rabbit urine can cause blindness in children.  I'm about to adopt a rabbit from the shelter.  I have an 18mo. old son and 2 1/2 years old daughter.  I really would like to know if this is true or not. Please advise. Thanks so much!

Dear Jasmine,

Wow, that's a weird one.  Nope, can't say I've ever heard that before, and I can tell you that it is absolutely false.  I have to wonder what the person who told you that was thinking!

Note, though, that rabbits are absolutely NOT good pets for small children.  If you are getting this bunny as a companion for yourself, that's great.  But if you are intending this animal as a playmate for small children, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST:


Rabbits are not what many people think they are:  they do NOT like to be held (they will scratch and bite to get free, causing injury to both child and rabbit), and they are very fragile in terms of skeletal integrity:  rabbits' backs and limbs are easily broken with rough handling by even a well-meaning child.

So please be sure you know all about the precautions you need to take to make sure living with a bunny is right for the whole family.

Hope this helps.
