Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my baby rabbits eye is mucusy

my baby rabbits eye is mucusy

22 10:27:40

i rescued a wild baby rabbit from a dog when it was between 4 to 10 days old. hes done well since then, his ears and eyes are open and hes running and hopping all over the place, but today i noticed that in or on one of his eyes is a weird ball of film that looks like mucus. is this normal?

Hi Jamie,

rabbits have a nictitating membrane (like a bird's) they can open and close at will.  Are you sure you are not seeing this?

If there is any doubt, I'd take him to the vet.  It might be good to do anyway as he may have some slight injuries from the dog that may be getting infected.  I would seriously consider seeing a good rabbit vet.  If you adon't know of any, start looking here:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

Thanks for caring about this little guy.
