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ears,breed and bathing

22 10:44:18

  We found a big albino bunny in a field and brought him home. He is very sweet and friendly. We plan to keep him but we have never had a rabbit before. We have a few questions...
  First, would you have a guess about what breed "Lucky Frank" might be? Is there such thing as a "mutt" bunny? He is pretty big- bigger than most cats and is an albino. He has one ear that sticks up and one that flops down. Should this be of any concern?
  Also, poor Lucky Frank is rather dirty from being outside and we are reluctant to bathe him. Should we attempt to shampoo him? Use baby wipes? He already looks cleaner in the 24 hours he has been here. Will he just clean himself?
  Thanks for your help!

Dear Jill,

Thank you for taking in Frank.  You have saved his life, without a doubt, and he will reward you with being one of the most wonderful companions you can imagine.

If he's big and albino, he may be at least part New Zealand White rabbit.  But if one ear is lopping down it could mean (1) he has some Lop heritage or (2) he has ear mites or an ear infection that needs the attention of a good rabbit vet. You can find one here:

It's to be expected that he'd be a bit dirty after being dumped by whoever decided they didn't want him any more.  But unless he has skin problems or a poopy butt, don't bathe him.  Just let him groom himself.  For more information on bathing (and, mainly, why you shouldn't), please see:

For all the best information on diet, care, litterbox training, spay/neuter, etc., please visit:

and click on "Rabbits 101" for links to all the basics you need to get started on a long and happy life with Lucky Frank!  :)

Take care, and bless you for saving this life.  You will be so happy you did!  Rabbits are incredible.
