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A rabbit Archive Question

22 11:35:16

Hi I was reading in the rabbit archives, and I came across one that was labled "bowel problem-Clover". In it the Lady who answered said to get rid of a sludgy-looking stool you can give rabbits "2/3 of pelleted food, and 1/3 oats (either quick oats or rolled oats)." Do you know if she was talking about the quick oats or rolled oats you eat for breakfast.  Here is the Link for the archive articule if you want to read it-  Thanks & have a good day-Hannah  

Dear Hannah,

A bunny with runny stool should be given anything *but* oats, which are very high in starch and will only exacerbate the problem.  The "oats" remedy is an old breeder thing, and I have no idea why anyone thinks it works.  It doesn't.  If your bunny is suffering from mushy/runny stool symptoms, then please read the following article which explains the myriad possible causes:

The problem is known as cecal dysbiosis--an imbalance of the normal bacteria and fungi in the cecum.  Adding extra starch will only make this imbalance worse (yeast love starch!).  What you need to do is find a good rabbit vet who can do a full health check and find out what the cause of the problem is.  The very top of the list is a diet too high in starch and too low in crude fiber.  You can compare your bunny's diet to a healthy one here:

If this is a bunny of more than a year in age, then there is the very good possibility that s/he has molar problems, such as sharp spurs poking the tongue and/or cheek.  This can cause enough pain/stress to cause GI tract slowdown, and subsequent cecal dysbiosis. You can read more about this here:

I hope this helps get you started.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
