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My little baby bunnie! Please help!

22 11:08:22


I also have been raising rabbits quite a while, and I have 11 rabbits. 4females are loose outside and live in our 2 large horse barns, quite happily I might add!!!! The rest are pets and live in cages inside one barn. Anyways, here is my situation. One of my outside females got bred by one of my males that excaped from his cage. Recently, we found a baby bunnie. The cat had a hold of him and the mother rabbit went after the cat and so he let go of it. We have the rabbit inside our house now. He is 21 days old and I think he still needs to be nursing from his mother. I have not seen any more babies outside, except for one that I found that a Predator must have gotten. I think it is weird that my female would only have 2 babies, her last litters were ranging 5-7. My baby has drank a little water and likes to eat organic cow milk that we buy at the store, from a bottle. He is still acting a little withdrawn and so I'm not sure what I should do. Do you think I should catch my mother rabbit so he can nurse? I dont know if she has more babies or not. What do you think? Is it likely she only had 2 rabbits being she is not a first time female? Until I catch my mother to let him feed, if I do, what should I be feeding him? Thankyou so much for your help!


Likely she has had more than two, and those have escaped from her nest. Catching her will ruin any chances of any other surviving babies to live. Feeding him milk replacer is good. I have a mixture that a vet told me to use.
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons of kayro syrup
1 can of can milk
1 can of water- just the can from the can milk.
Mix it up and you can freeze it in icecube trays or in zip lock baggies until you need more. I have had a good sucess rate with this formula. It can be used for any animal needing mom's milk. He will still need to nurse for at least another 2 weeks or so.