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Mini Rex with headtilt

22 9:45:38

QUESTION: my 12 year old son has a 6 month old mini rex with headtilt. Vet prescribed Bactrim and a pain med. Said there is nothing else that can be done. He is the only exotic expert in the area. What else can I do? She is eating and drinking but just lays on her side or rolls. I fear I will have to put her down

ANSWER: Dear Darlene,

Bactrim is not really a very good antibiotic for this.  Most bacteria these days don't respond to it well; they're resistant.  I hope you can get this vet to try dual-acting Pen-G Procaine/Benzathine, as it works very well in most cases like this.  There is also the possibility that the parasite Encephalitozoon cuniculi could be contributing, and this can be treated with fenbendazole and/or ponazuril.

You might be able to find a more rabbit-savvy vet here:

and it would be worth a drive to get your bunny the most up-to-date care.  Please read these articles for additional information, and refer your vet to the first one, at least:

Ihope this will get your bunny on the road to recovery.  Please ask your son to read the second article linked above, so he'll know that there is hope for the bunny!  You just need the right vet who will work with you, and a lot of patience and love.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much. We were unable to save Casper but I want to know what I can do to be sure that her sister Amelia will not have the same fate. Can you please advise as they shared the same cage right up to Caspers death.

Dear Darlene,

Rabbits do not readily share pathogens, and it is extremely unlikely that whatever caused Casper's head tilt will not do the same to his sister.  She has already been exposed, in any case.  And that might actually *strengthen* her immune system against this bacterium (if that's what it was) for the future.

I am very sorry for your loss.

If you decide to allow Amelia to have another companion to keep her company and console her in her loss, I hope you will visit a rabbit rescuer to see who might help heal her (and your) heart(s):

Take care,
