Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Help please! Cut on lip!

Help please! Cut on lip!

22 9:57:58

My rabbit has a cut on her lip just below her nose i really need help because she cant eat or drink as it hurts when she moves her lips i really need to know what to do she will die without food and water.

Dear Alice,

Yes, of course she will suffer if she absolutely cannot eat or drink.  If the cut is severe, it may need veterinary attention and even suturing.  Please get her to a good rabbit vet right away:

In the meantime, you can feed her pellets you have fluffed and made into a slurry with a bit of warm water.  Use a wide-bore syringe, and do this very slowly and carefully (squirt from the *side* of the mouth behind the front teeth to you don't choke her) so she has time to chew.  But don't delay in getting her to the vet if this injury is so severe that she can't eat or drink!
