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Orphan rabbits.

22 9:44:39

Please Help!

I found two baby rabbits getting carried away by my step dads dogs, i quickly rescued them but had no idea where the dogs had found them. i have them here in a box with a towel. I would really like to know how to feed them. I gave them some kitten milk through a syr' about 4ml each. they appear to be 10 to 14 days old as they have thier eyes open but are still small.

Hello there.
You may have your hands full caring for the babies. If they are eating the kitten milk you may have a fighting chance.
At that age they may survive, keep them warm & only feed twice a day. Their bodies are not used to digesting too much per day.
hopefully in a week they will drink water on their own & then start them on dry grass or even carrots but  never lettuce it has too much water & they will get the runs.
Good luck