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Does light scare rabbits?

22 10:44:46

If you turn them on and off several times during the night would it bother the rabbits?

Also do different breeds on the same diet have different smelling pee?  Both look and act healthy but one has stinkier pee than the other.

Hi Tom,

Light: I would say it depends.  How close it is to them, how bright it is, how much noise the light switch makes (loud click?), how much nosie you are making at the time (unexpected noises can spook them).  If you are using them to like find your way to the bathroom, etc., generally if it isn't a very bright light right at them, they should handle it okay.  Another solution may be to get those soft green nightlights that plug into outlets (only use about 1 penny a day to light) and line your way to the bathroom with them.  I've got them all over the house and they work really well at night.

Pee: Yes, different breeds can process the same foods differently.  Also there can be differences between male and female rabbits.  Sometimes urine smell may indicate sickness, but if your guys are healthy, that's their normal smell.  You should have them in for an annual exam each year (at the minimum just like cats and dogs) so that you know they have a clean bill of health.
