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Rabbit Huccups

22 10:39:46

Do Rabbits get Hiccups? I've had my giant rabbit for 4 months now but in these last few days I have noticed that sometimes she get some fits of Hiccups(normally when she is just laying relaxing on the floor) they onlt last for a couple of minutes but in the last two days she has had them about four or five times. Are these just hiccups or should I be worried and take her to the vet?

Hi Lisa,

congratulations!  You have an extremely happy bunny!  (and you didn't read all my profile info!)  Rabbits 'cluck' when they are extremely happy and content.  It sounds like hiccups.  Generally they do this sitting or when flopped out and relaxed.

No problem here.  She is very happy and secure in your house and the fact she's showing it, she's sending you a message.  Perhaps you've changed something in her routine in the last few days she likes better now, or she's figured out this is her forever home.
